Discovering You

Your journey starts with discovery.

We’ll identify what makes you unique. Collecting in-depth information allows our team of specialists to objectively measure your current neurohealth trajectory, along with risks to avoid and opportunities to seize.

Next, you’ll meet with Dr. Allen Gee, board certified neurologist to discuss your neurohealth goals.

  • Your Health Story

    Your story includes your health history as well as your neurohealth goals.

  • Family History

    Your family health history helps us tailor a plan specific to you.

  • NeuroHealth Consultation

    During your one-on-one consultation, Dr. Allen Gee will confirm your health story and guide you toward your neurohealth goals.

Building a personalized plan

Dr. Allen Gee will work with you to build a personalized plan for optimal neurohealth.

  • Personalize Precision Plan

    From your consultation, Dr. Allen Gee builds an individualize plan intended to optimize your neurohealth trajectory and scores.

  • Medical Referrals

    If any healthcare concerns emerge, you will receive referrals to appropriate medical professionals.

Providing Support and tools

On your journey toward optimal neurohealth, we provide you the support and tools you need to implement change.

  • Molecular Profile

    We partner with a world-class molecular profiling company to identify 266+ biomarkers which may influence your risk for disease.

  • NeuroHealth Scores

    Through proprietary calculations and industry partnerships, we assign you a range of neurohealth scores in order to predict trajectory and track progress in each area.

  • Plan Coordination

    Providing optimal neurhealth is not a “set it and forget it,” service. Our staff keep in contact to ensure you are on track.

  • Health Coaching

    Our health coaches can help break through obstacles that are limiting the success or implementation of your personalized precision plan.

  • Mental Agility Coaching

    These professionals provide the tools, tips, and support many clients need to turn the page on their neurohealth.

  • Nutrition Tracking App

    Your diet, along with any nutritional supplements, directly affects your neurohealth and molecular biometrics. Our staff use the data provided by our nutritional tracking partners to build and adjust your plan.

  • Remote Monitoring

    We care about your progress. By monitoring your vitals remotely, our staff keeps a “pulse” on your progress.

  • Vocal Biometrics Monitoring App

    Using vocal biometrics, we have stats on your levels of anxiety, depression, and energy. These objective data points help measure progress.

comparing and adjusting

After 6 months, it’s time to re-evaluate. Have your neurohealth scores changed? Have your molecular biomarkers followed suit? We adjust your plan to match your new health story.

  • Molecular Profile Comparison

    Your biomarkers can change as your risk factors change. Analyzing your blood after 6 months can provide you objective measurements of your progress.

  • Neurohealth Score Comparison

    Seeing is believing. Your motivation will increase and your plan will be adjusted based on your updated neurohealth scores and trajectories.

  • Follow up consultations

    We recommend a follow up appointment with Dr. Allen Gee every 6 months, or after significant life events or changes in your health story.

  • Personalized Precision Plan Adjustments

    As your body adjusts, so should your plan. We recommend a review and adjustment every 6 months.