What are you doing to keep your mind as you age?

We aren’t interested in slowly marching towards death, and so we created a framework that leans into personalized precision health. We give you what you need to elevate your wellbeing to become an elder, not just elderly. 

  • Neurology for medical care & nervous system expertise.  

  • Technology for complex and personal data assimilation. 

  • Coaching to make change, not just talk about it.

We dive into the drivers of neurohealth (sleep, nutrition, movement, cognition, resilience, and connection) and help people optimize their actions to achieve more health, wealth, happiness, and wisdom.

We ensure you get the highest return on your health investment.

Addressing the foundations of neurohealth has the potential to improve physical disease markers, such as lowering blood pressure, regulating blood sugar, decreasing headaches and pain, as well as improving energy, concentration, and attention.
— Dr. Allen Gee

What is NeuroHealth?

The health of our neurons, which stretch head to toe, directly impacts all other systems throughout our body. The nervous system is the command center of our body.

These cells are responsible for not only receiving and sending sensory information, but also triggering muscle reflexes and controlling inhibition. Breathing, walking, reasoning, and learning rely on the health of our nervous system, which rarely receives recognition and attention until we experience problems.

What is precision healthcare?

Precision healthcare involves customizing assessments and treatments based on the particular omics, challenges, and goals of an individual. Dr. Allen Gee develops each person’s health plan based on their neurohealth potential. Each plan is based on the five tenants of neurohealth- mental agility, movement, nutrition, omics, and sleep.